Kaitlyn Katai Floor 3 Everyday is an adventure that I love to explore while trying to add sparkle to daily life.

Athene McClelland Floor 3 “Paper is dead without words, ink idle without a poem, all the world dead without stories.” – “Song of Myself” by Nightwish

Rachel Tyler Floor 3 Since Kindergarten, I've known I wanted to be a teacher. In my hands are some pictures of the children I worked with last summer when I traveled to Namibia, Africa, and I know this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. I can’t wait to go back there again, because it was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. I know that God provided for me to go on this trip, and I know that He is going to provide again in the future so that I may go again.

Carson Wilson Floor 3 I chose the word determination because I always try to do my best even in the hardest of times. I don’t like letting myself or others down. I know I can do anything I set my mind to.

Emma Burgeson Floor 3 Being able to explore has been an important part of my life. Exploring wilderness areas, countries, and myself has made me the person I am today.

Elizabeth Colescott Floor 3 “Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and go good.”

Breanna Coon Floor 3 Everything I see, hear, and feel inspires me. The new people that I meet and the new places that I go to have all played a role in shaping my personality and style. Photography has been a huge outlet for me to express who I am, how I feel, and how I see the beautiful world that we live in. It gives me the capability to capture everything that inspires me and I hope that someday my work can be an inspiration to someone else.

Bailey Gordon Floor 3 Everything I do, I do in excess. I feel an overabundance of joy for people I love, the things I do, and the places I explore. This unrestrained excitement propels me forward and braces me through life’s challenges. I chose my word “muchness” because I want to live life to the fullest-nothing should hold me back from enjoying every moment. Don’t ever let anyone dull your sparkle.

Karimeh Daneshmandi Floor 3 I am a person who tries to always put herself in other people’s shoes. I know it sounds cliché, but its true. When it comes to music, I try to change my perspective in order to create new songs, and I love learning about new cultures to broaden my perspective.

Susanna Pearcy Floor 3 Push to be better, push to be stronger, and push in every aspect of my life because I can’t be satisfied with myself unless I know I gave 100%.

Breanna Carter Floor 3 Something I tell myself constantly, and I always forget. It’s important to relax.

Stephanie Sharp Floor 3 Sanguine means hopeful. I want to be hopeful and bring others hope.

Mackenzie Butler Floor 3 “Living at risk is jumping off the cliff and building your wings on the way down.” – Ray Bradbury

Hong Dinh Floor 3 Because I'm unique. Potassium.