Fareeha Nasir Floor 2

Gabrielle Poncz

Kristen Paradis Floor 8 ...Cause I am?

Jennifer Monnier Floor 5 For everything I say, and for everything I do, you can bet that there is a reason!

Amada Orebaugh Floor 8 I am straight forward and outspoken when I need to be. I believe in being open and honest. I’m just me. Basically I CAN... and I DID! :)

Lauren Molitor Floor 7 I asked my mom for a word and that’s what she thought of. Oh, and I’m lively and spirited... some may call it being weird, but really, I’m just vivacious.

Donna Llewellyn Floor 2

Gage Neiffer Floor 1 Whenever I see someone doing something that I can't, whether it be playing an instrument or other skill, I have to be able to do it too. This is a quality that I both like and hate about myself.

Ayla Doyle Floor 2 My soul recognizes your soul. I honor the love, light, beauty, truth, and kindness in you because it is also in me. I sharing these things there is no distance or difference between us. We are the same. We are one.

Ali Olson Floor 5 Definition: Showing eagerness or enthusiasm, a thirst for life, opportunity, carefree, easygoing.

Amanda Hoffmann Floor 7 “Bloom where you are planted.” I feel that this saying really exemplifies my freshman year at WWU. Throughout the course of this year many challenges have been thrown my way. With the strength from God and my friends. I’ve learned to not only grow, but to bloom where I have been planted.

Stephanie Howard Floor 5 I am strong, passionate, and full of life!

Stephanie Sharp Floor 3 Sanguine means hopeful. I want to be hopeful and bring others hope.

Diana Rutnam Floor 8 Definition: (adj.) to have tang. Sharp, spicy.

Danielle Reid Floor 7 I really like peace signs. Everything is better when things are peaceful and go smoothly.

Catherine Vandiver Floor 2 If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers- most of which are never even seen- don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you?- Matthew 6:30 All it takes is a simple glance for us to notice what we can do for out neighbors.

Rachel Townsend Floor 7 I’ve been obsessed with comic books, superheroes, and weird British shows from a very early age. Escaping from reality every so often is fun.

Becca Freimuth Floor 8 I constantly think about the future, so I have to remind myself to live in the present and that my future is unwritten. Everyday I am writing my story, it is always evolving and I am growing into the person I want to be. “What matters is to live in the present, live now, for every moment is now. It is your thoughts and acts of the moment that create your future. The outline of your future path already exists, for you created its pattern by your past.” -Sai Baba

Sarah Jordan Floor 5 Galatians 5:13 "You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love."

Dodge Schaeffer Floor 4 I am an avid believer that what we do defines us, talk is nice and intent is good, but actions speak more than words. It's what we accomplish and the people or things we choose to associate with that makes us not just different from everyone else, but also astonishingly distinct from them. Our associations are our lives.

Sarah Hirnyck Floor 8 I chose “light” because I feel it best represents who I am and how I like to approach life. In all that I do I like to keep things light-hearted and be the best person I can be. I hope that through leading by example, my “light” will positively affect other people and inspire them to be the best they can be in all aspects of their life. Everyone deserves to be happy and have a good laugh now and then, and I hope to be the guiding and inspiring light for all.

Breanna Coon Floor 3 Everything I see, hear, and feel inspires me. The new people that I meet and the new places that I go to have all played a role in shaping my personality and style. Photography has been a huge outlet for me to express who I am, how I feel, and how I see the beautiful world that we live in. It gives me the capability to capture everything that inspires me and I hope that someday my work can be an inspiration to someone else.

Christina Meskil Floor 7 1 Corinthians 6:19b-20a "You are not your own, for you are bought with a price."

Justin Janczakowski Floor 6 A “Renaissance Man” is someone with a variety of skills and a deep, broad base of knowledge. I pride myself in having many interests; my hobbies range everywhere from action sports to the arts. The way I see it is that there are so many things around us that are worth doing, and anything that is worth doing is worth learning to do well.