Amanda Hoffmann Floor 7 “Bloom where you are planted.” I feel that this saying really exemplifies my freshman year at WWU. Throughout the course of this year many challenges have been thrown my way. With the strength from God and my friends. I’ve learned to not only grow, but to bloom where I have been planted.

Rachel Townsend Floor 7 I’ve been obsessed with comic books, superheroes, and weird British shows from a very early age. Escaping from reality every so often is fun.

Kelly Mason Floor 7 Some people believe that when you chant “om” you create the same vibration, or “hum” as the rest of the universe. And I’m just trying to find my place in the universe.

Danielle Reid Floor 7 I really like peace signs. Everything is better when things are peaceful and go smoothly.

Christina Meskil Floor 7 1 Corinthians 6:19b-20a "You are not your own, for you are bought with a price."